Friday, January 14, 2005

Food Theory.

Due to special request I will tell you my food theory. There are some nuances that I do not say here but this is the general gist of it. I might also leave important parts out that if you know of them, please correct me. Oh, as an aside, I have told this to a good amount of people and most do not agree with me at all because it is, well, crazy. Anyway, there are only 4 different types of foods. That's it. Most fall in the first two.

Different types of food/drink:
1) Salty: This includes spicy things and anything starchy as well as some vegetables.
2) Sweet: Anything sugary and includes some fruits.
3) Sour: Contains certain candy and fruits mostly.
4) Bland: Water, some vegetables, milk (kinda sweet though depending on how creamy it is)

So, things like an actual fruit or candy fruit are in the same category. There is no difference. A spicy pepper or a potato chip are the same. One category can usually balance out another although it is not really set in stone as to which balance, it is up to the person. The benefit of knowing all this is that if you are really full of some salty food or ate something that is making you feel sick, eating a little bit of sweet food like a candy bar or another category might actually make you feel better. It is also helpful in determining which foods go well together. Like category foods often can be combined or eaten together. Such as, mixing Pizza with ketchup or hot sauce. Both work because they are in the same category. Hell, even Pizza with refried beans on top wouldn't be too bad.

Try it.

Now that I think about it, it is based on the tongue and the different tastebuds.

ps. I take no responsibility for any death or dismemberment due to said "Food Theory".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you only realize it works when you crave something from a specific category, you're like, "man i really need something salty!" or fruity/sweet, etc etc. then you're like damn the theory is right! bastards!

5:02 PM  

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