Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Today at work there was an awards ceremony for the entire office in this auditorium. Some genius there decided to put the names of the award recipients on chairs to reserve them. The problem was there was no order to them, not alphebetically or otherwise. This led to everyone just roaming back and forth for 4 rows of seats looking for their name. Since other people who had found their name were already sitting this required a hell of a lot of "excuse me's" as people wandered around. Ah, smart people. Also, to make it worse, many people didn't even know they were getting awards so random people who weren't getting awards were checking for their names.

Oh, if your wondering, I did get an award.


Blogger joanne said...

What did you get it for?

10:32 AM  
Blogger stuffbox said...

Being awesome.

5:05 PM  

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