Monday, April 18, 2005


I wake up this morning from a nice dream to the sound of buzzing. Thinking it's something outside I sit up in my bed but the buzzing got louder. Right as I sat up one of those fat bumblebees flies out from my blanket right into my face and lands on my shirt, right below the neck. I think it was going for the jugular. In my daze from just waking up moments before, I'm freaking out at this point. Full fledged, arms waving, body convulsion. In the freak out I managed to swat the bee over to my window where he got stuck. It is a little confusing how the thing would have gotten in my room as all my windows are shut and the door is closed except for a small gap at the bottom of the door. Interesting way to start the day.

I ended up managing to push the bee out the window. It was sad listening to it buzz in vain against the window.


Blogger Shy Ritz said...

Ha u think that's bad...A WASP meaner than bumble bees went up my azz well not really it went inside my pants. Yup I was outside watering the flowers and I was wearing sandels, and I guess it went up through my pants, I felt something by my butt cheek then I knew right away it must be a wasp...because it was summer and the yard was full of em, well I calmy walk to the restroom took my pants off and out it went....then I KILLED IT. Then I was ok, but see never panic and never fight them cause ouch they will sting.

3:08 AM  

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