Monday, April 11, 2005


At New Deck Tavern a few nights ago I saw Jud. He told me an amusing story related to the one below. Jud had misplaced his driver's license after the party. The last time he remembered seeing it was when he gave it to the security guard at the front desk when he went down to sort out the problems that night. So the next day he went back down to the front desk, which was now occupied by the day shift of security personnel. He asked if his drivers license was in the id box (where they keep all id's for people visiting or for whatever). The security person asked Jud for his name and he gave it. The guard gave him a funny look and halfassed looked through the box, not coming up with anything. Jud knew it had to be there so he asked them to look around again later that day. Nothing.

Apparantly, the security guard from the incident below had told all the other security people about Jud and how he was a racist. They all gave him evil looks as he walked by throughout the day. Amazed by the lack of professionalism, Jud went to the building manager and explained the situation. The building manager was nice woman but could barely believe Jud's story of how the security guards stole his license. She pulled up the incident report from the night of the party and the name on the report had Jud's full name, including the middle, which would really have only been found out if the guy actually had the license. Convinced, the building manager went to the front desk to see if she could get the license back. She politely asked the guard at the desk to look for Jud's id. After doing a half assed lookup again she sternly asked the guard to find Jud's id. The guard responded by saying, "are you sure, have you heard about this kid?" Now completely convinced something was up she called the security guard from that night and after some threats he confessed that he had taken the license and hid it underneath the desk in some sort of crevice. Sure enough, way back in the desk it was stuck in there. HAHAHA. I'm not sure what's going to happen next but the building manager said she would call the security company and tell them about it.

Jud has since written a mass letter of apology to the other security guards explaining that he's not a racist and that the guard was a dick. He probably didn't say the dick part though.


April 4, 2005

On Saturday I went to a party at a friend's place. I got there a little late (around 1:30) and some people had already left put it was still fun. It was an Hawaiian themed party as you can possibly notice from the pictures.

So at around 2:30 or so I hear a knock on the door. I drunkenly go and answer it. At the door was a security guard. He blunty said, "turn down the music now." Knowing that the music was a little loud and not to mess with these type of people I shut the door (possibly in the guys face, he was just standing there scribbling on a piece of paper so I figured we were done communicating.) Anyway, I go and turn down the music.

About 10-15 minutes later I go out into the hall, right outside the door with Nick and Jud (who lived in the place). I don't remember why but we ended up there. Nick meantioned the italian word "mulion" (i dont feel like looking up the spelling) for some reason. Jud and I didn't know what it meant so he explained it was some sort of racist term against black people. At about that time, the same security guard (who was black) came right around the corner where he was hanging out. He came at us yelling that he heard everything we said and wanted everybody out of the appartment and to go home. Being drunk, we tried to explain to him what was going on but he was too pissed. The guy even said we didn't turn down the music which I specifically did. Anyway, yelling and more yelling occured with drunk person reasoning. Really though, the security guard was pretty much the problem. We weren't doing anything wrong and he was being pissy. I started taking a video of part of it with my phone.

So anyway, I left along with some other people and less drunk people delt with the guy. A cop came eventually but nothing ever happened.

Here is the video in ZIP form (you will need to unzip it and get the nokia multimedia player or the newest apple quicktime as it is a 3gp video file from my cellphone)


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