Sunday, June 05, 2005


Went to my friend Rick's graduation party this weekend. A fun drunken time that was. Juan caused a scene and provided the customary "incident" that usually accompanies such parties. Good job Juan. Also at the party, during the day when little kids and Rick's family were around, I was that guy who loudly drunkenly cursed in front of everyone for basically no reason. I was talking to my friend Eric about an idea of putting gyroscopes on normal consumer family handheld cameras to steady the shot (the Glidecam seems to be similar, although it is for professional film makers). Anyway, after the conversation was pretty much over I loudly blurted out something like "Fucking gyroscopes!" Not sure if the little kids or family heard but it was pretty loud. Never really been "that" guy before.

Funny, I actually did it again a few minutes later.


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