Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Dead Birds.

This story about Mrs. K actually involves me. A group of my friends were at Ryan's house doing whatever down in the basement. Tad goes upstairs into the kitchen. A few minutes later I go up into the kitchen to get something to drink. Right as I walk into the kitchen I see Ryan's mom talking to Tad but her back had just turned. For whatever reason, whether it be he thought the conversation was over or he just had enough, right when I get into the kitchen, Tad left the room while Mrs. K continued talking.

So I'm standing there as she turns around and continues talking to me like I was Tad. I smile and nod like I know what she's talking about and try to figure out whats going on. Before I know whats going on she walks over to the freezer and pulls out a dead frozen bird as well as a large blue ziplock bag with about 5 other birds and walks over to me! At that moment, I am half shocked/confused by what is going on and half laughing on the inside beacuse I know this is going to be good. Mrs. K explains further that these birds hit the window and die. She then goes out, collects them and puts them in the freezer. I say, "ahh, well thats a good way to do it". She hands one to me to hold.

I eventually figure out what the hell is going on. Tad tells me the first half of the conversation he was having with her. See, Mrs. K is an amazing painter/sculpter. It is her job. She was painting some birds or something and needed some models to get the positions right so she collected these birds.


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