Saturday, March 26, 2005

Canadian Whiskey and so forth.

Another night of shenanigans, this time beginning with way too much cheap Canadian whiskey. "Mmm, tastes like Canada!" Me and my liver had a little talk beforehand and I promised it that I wouldn't really drink because of last night's festivities. My foolish liver should have realized was lying. Between 4 of us (me,juan,chris,nick) there we practically finished off a handle before we even left to go out. Thats many multiples of shots each, and surprisingly it didn't taste any better by the last shot. Anyway, after actually going out, amusing (to me) things happened of which I shall list some as bullet points only because it's not really worth it trying to retell the stories; no one will really understand. Many of them seem to involve Chris for whatever reason.

-played some pool and drunkenly beat a cheating asshole. Chris forgets ID at bar (realized next day).
-urinate on hotel with Juan while Chris runs into lobby and takes trashcan, placing it outside entrance (he thought it looked better)
-walk by liberty bell, Chris tries to scale wall.
-try to get into new club, give Chris my ID, shady handoff style..doesn't work.
-go to new club, chris argues with bouncer to get me and juan in for free..doesn't work.
-spend $5 on beer.
-get split up, eventually go outside with Juan, eat pizza.
-talk with group of cops about some shroom salesman they just arrested
-chris and nick come back, chris jumps on top of newspaper dispensers
-get in cab with juan to head back, learn from taxi driver that many many people have thrown up in back seat and he has to clean it.
-chris knocks over girls drink..gets in fight..headlock, kicked out of bar.
-had weird dream about girl I knew in middle/highschool


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