Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Phone Messages.

While I was thinking about werid shit I do or notice (see below) I remembered that I had a somewhat large piece of a group project due tomorrow. I contacted a few group members but one of the members was not around and all I got was an answering machine. I instinctively hung up the phone.

With the thought of the weird shit I do fresh in my mind I reflected upon how I hate to leave voice messages, even though it would probably be helpful instead of calling back multiple times. I have told people before that I do not leave voicemail and most of them find it odd. It is kind of odd. It is almost hypocritical since I love it when I am in class unable to take phonecalls and the person who called leaves a message. I have nothing really against leaving voicemail, especially when absolutely necessary. I just don't usually pay much attention once I realize someone isn't there so my voicemail messages always end up sounding dumb and ridiculous...

Machine: Leave a message, bitch. BEEP.
Me: Umm, right...yeah I am going to eat that...stop it..I just I don't hate mexicans..oh crap i think it beeped.
(clearing throat)
Me: hey there , this is Ram. ummmm yeah so were going to go meet in that place at around 6. Ram..from that class we are in..have that group thing to do....mumble. So, give me a call about that thing and we can discuss it or something...oh yeah the place were meeting is the library, ok see ya.

Anyway, back to real life. After hanging up I on the answering machine I decided what the hell and called back, left a voicemail. It actually was fine. I think most machines let you re-record messages if you don't like how the first one turned out?

Now that I think more about it. I don't particuarly like talking on the telephone in general because I usually run out of things to say pretty fast and do not actively think of new things to say. Ending the conversation is also difficult for me. I also have a weird habbit of walking around or back and forth while talking on the telephone which some people have made fun of me for. Not sure what that is about, I just do it.

I bet from reading through this entire blog some psychologist could accurately get a good understanding of me and all my peculiarities. Oh, this is not an invitation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ram. This is your psychologist. You might not remember visiting me, but yep, you're knocked up. I don't like leaving messages either, unless of course its 2 AM and I'm liquored up.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, Ram answers the phone, "HELLO? THIS IS RAM". He's a phone shouter.

5:48 AM  

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