Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Prairie Fire.

Over the weekend in Baltimore.
Tequilla and tabasco. This one shot combined with an overly full night of drinking caused me to feel like crap the next few days, especially the next morning and into the afternoon. I eventually vomited sometime around 2pm while taking a shower (i made it to the toilet) which is an event itself. The warm water was the direct cause somehow. It was not plesant and tasted like tabasco. Blah. I also deleted some phone numbers off of a girls cellphone sometime during the previous night under the ruse of adding my own phone number because she was being a bitch. I think I stumbled upon an amusing way of revenge. I should have just changed some of the numbers also...maybe next time.

I also had the privliege to drive lost around the most stereotypical ghetto neighborhood in baltimore at midnight.


Blogger joanne said...

Ram barfed! Wow, I think that means that the moon and sun and earth are up to something funny and we are all going to explode soon.

5:26 PM  

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