Monday, September 26, 2005


Went up to Millersville this weekend to do a surprise visit. Good times were had but nothing I feel like writing about right now. Was looking forward to playing(and dominating) racqueteball for the first time on sunday but unfortunatly due to some miscommunication (probably my fault) it didn't happen.

Oh, there is actually is one entertaining story from the weekend. Doug, Tad, and I were eating a pizza outside sitting on a bench next to the the football stadium where a game was going on. A tough looking guy on a motercycle rides up and stops right in front of us.
Guy: Hey, you guys go to school here?
Us: Yeah.
Guy: O.K. good, I'm looking for my daughter. Shes a sophomore here named Abbey Smith. She has blonde hair and drives a yellow jeep. I have her cellphone and need to give it back to her but I don't know where she is. I have her room number but I don't know what dorm she's in.
(there are thousands of people that go to millersville)
Us: Uh, ok. Yeah sorry we don't know her.
Guy: Oh, all right.
Doug: Well you can drop the phone off in the student center and then just tell her to go pick it up later.
Guy: I'll go do that.
Me(to doug and tad): Somehow we will run into Abbey Smith soon.

That was Saturday. Today, Monday, I get a call from Doug.
Doug: Guess what?
Me: What?
Doug: I was walking past the front desk of the student center today and I see this blonde girl go by me and overhear her saying to the front desk, "I think someone left a cellphone for me here, my name is Abbey Smith."
Me: Holy shizat.
Doug: I just busted out laughing and ran out of there.

It would have been great if Doug had actually talked to Abbey Smith and told her how coincidental the moment was but nay, she will never know that the person who actually helped her get her cellphone back was walking by.


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