Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Me vs. The Hot Chocolate Machine

For awhile now I have battled this all in one coffee/hot chocolate machine. I really dislike coffee but I do like hot chocolate. Plus there's nothing better than that old fashioned chocolatey goodness mom used to make, now automatized by a heartless machine.

Surprisingly, I found a picture.
This is pretty much the exact bastard machine.
Notice what appears to be a small human skull on top of it
(possibly of a child).
The machine started the battle by refusing to open up it's plastic door after it poured my drink. A motor is supposed to pull the door back when it is done pouring but it was stuck shut. I ended up having to break the thing open to get my drink. My breaking of the door actually caused the thing to be shut down awhile for repairs. After it was repaired I went back to get some more delicious hot whipped chocolate.

One day I go to the machine, put in my 50 cents and select my hot chocolate. As I watch the machine buzz I look down at where my cup is supposed to be. Something was wrong though, the machine spit out the cup upside down. So, not wanting to waste my 50 cents I quickly dart my hand into the machine to try and flip the cup. Unfortunatly there are metal prongs holding the cup still and while I am fighting that the scalding liquid starts raining down on my hands. I jab my hands at the cup to grab and flip it, making slight yelps of pain. Eventually I manage to flip the cup but by that time it had already poured the chocolate and started the dash of water or milk or whatever it uses. I ended up with an inch of hot water and a burnt hand.

Today I go back to the machine and select the usual. Everything is looking good and I notice the door is automated again by the motor. The cup comes out right side up and it pours the hot chocolate to the brim. But, when it finishes the door starts opening and begins doing quick motions back and forth like its jammed on something. It is tempting me to reach in. I reach in trying to hold the door back and grab my cup at the same time but as I get hold of the cup the door slides back, knocks my hand, and since its filled to the brim, spills a good amount of burning hot chocolate onto my hands.

If I had to put a score to it, I would say it is winning by a small margine. I do kick it often but it does not feel pain so that doesn't really count. When I kick it I usually just get weird looks from other people anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

margine? ...margin.

1:48 AM  
Blogger stuffbox said...

damn. stupid english not good.

3:51 PM  

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