Monday, July 25, 2005

Long ass day.

My lazy long day.

7:30am: Wake up in a groggy haze, trip over shoes, pee on self.
7:50am: Get backpack, shoes, put on clothes, walk out door towards Post Office on 29th Market Street.
8:05am: Walk in post office to pick up textbook left by UPS guy for a test in the course at 9:00am. Of course I put it off until the morning of the test when I could have picked it up anytime last week.
8:07am: Wait in line. Fall asleep on counter.
8:10am: Get poked by old guy waiting behind me. My turn. I get the book.
8:15am: Walk through 30th street station looking for food. Taco bell is closed until 10am..damnit.
8:30am: Go back to campus and get a bagel toasted with cream cheese from food cart. When I say toasted I really mean fried in grease. Delicious.
8:40am: Buy diet coke by accident. Head to class and sit down, study book. Eat bagel.
9:00am: Take test. Perfect score. woo woo.
11:00am: Go back to appartment, watch tivo. Complement tivo for being so cool. Post on blog. Eat forkfull of penut butter.
12:55pm: Walk to class again. Learn how Michael Dell dropped out of college and became billionaire. Get ideas.
2:00pm: Go back to appartment. Eat handfull of Total cereal; shreded cheese.
2:55pm: Arrive downstairs for class. Learn about Monte Carlo methods. Ponder about using it to cheat at blackjack somehow.
4:00pm: Stroll to 7-11 to buy a Red Bull to awaken me for midterm at 6:00pm. Bought the sugar free kind. Never drank/bought a Red Bull without vodka. Tasted like carbonated vomit.
4:20pm: Walk to library to look at textbook before test (didn't buy this one). Borrow it and sit down, go through 5 chapters memorizing all the keywords.
5:40pm: Finish looking at book, go to class and sit until 6:00pm.
6:00pm: Take test.
6:20pm: Finish test. Wander home until people finish test and class resumes at 7:15pm.
6:25pm: Offer bum semi used napkin after he asks for money (I didn't have anything). Cover kidneys to prevent stabbing.
6:30pm: Watch tivo. Eat another forkfull of penut butter; hot dog.
7:15pm: Go back to class, watch boring video about "American Justice"...murder and whatever.
9:00pm: Class ends, meet with group in classroom for presentation tomorrow. Little gets done. I play with microphone, pretending to be god.
11:30pm: Finish meeting, head home. Drink gingerale and gin. Tonic was sold out.
12:00am: Get instant message saying "happy birthday", I had actually forgotten.
1:10am: Write boring blog post about what I did today. Brush teeth, go to bed for class at 9:30am hoping someone did the homework for another group project.


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