Thursday, July 21, 2005

My Diet.

This post is more for when, in the future, I look back upon my college life and laugh. I no longer drink anything but alcohol or water. No more empty caloric soda, sugary fruit juice or anything. Just water. This super healthy diet is balanced out by the excessive amounts of beer and alcohol I consume. Seems to work fine, I like water (although I do not buy bottled water based on principle). Avoiding buying soda and fruit juice also saves some money (which probably gets used for alcohol).

Of course I drink milk every now and then when some comes my way but I'm not a huge fan of milk either; absent of cereal, that is.

Also, last night someone gave me a energy drink called "XS". It had about %5000 of my daily requirement of vitamin B-12...and thats about it. Being a vegetarian I hear I don't get enough B-12 in my diet. Considering I have been a vegetarian for my entire life and not really once concerned myself with obtaining B-12, I seem pretty healthy. But whatever, I decided to make up for some possible deficiency with a heaping dose of health. Although I knew from a nutrition class I took that there is only a certain amount of a nutrient the body can absorb before throwing the rest away and an overdose of a nutrient can actually inhibit the absorption of said nutrient, I drank it. About 20 minutes later I felt a bit odd, jittery and hyper. I was also very hungry. Crazy medical science and their potions.


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