Sunday, August 14, 2005

AC and the Night I (really) Almost Got in a Fight.

This last friday I went with Juan and Chris to Atlantic City where a friend of ours, Nick, had just returned from a long adventure in Italy. Nick was staying in his beach house, which seems pretty close to the casinos. I was hopinig to go to said casinos sometime that night. We arrive and Nick regales us with hillarious tales of Europe while we sit around. Come 3:00am we decide to go to the Tropicana casino. We arrive and find the roulette table. I instantly gain and lose $15. Chris wins $175 in 40 seconds. I head to the poker tables with Nick and we sit down at a 2-4 table. First hand I win with a pair of 10's and collect a good $20. Not wanting to take Nick's money I move to a different table. Along the way I happen to bump into 3 people from highschool I havn't seen in 6 years (Brett, Bill and Dan). At the second table I manage to quickly win a few hands and I am up about $50. Slowly my winnings dwindle until the time I leave. I take stock of my money and see that I end up winning $4. Darn, well, a win is a win. Chris ended up losing all his money as did Nick. Juan broke even I think.

We leave the casino at around 5:00am and take a Jittney (some weird shuttle) about half way to a wawa for food. The rest of the trip we walk home. We get to sleep at around 6:00am. The next day (yesterday..saturday) we go to the beach and relax. Come 7pm and Juan, Chris and I head back to Philadelphia. Back at the appartment we shower and get ready to go out. We head out to Old City and the first place we go is some sort of bar where we order a few cheaper drinks before going to the expensive places. I happen to mention that I feel something interesting will happen tonight. Later, at Moda, we notice it is quite full with girls but after an hour or so we realize they were all bitches. I then come to realize that Old City is pretty much full of bitches, it's a shame. Walking around we see a place called World Fusion and decide to check it out if there was no cover. Chris is in front of me and Juan and pulls what may be the most amazing club entrance I've ever seen. Before I can determine what is going on, Chris has quickly zigzagged past the bouncer (who was talking to a girl in line), the cover collector (who was talking to a waitress who had just walked outside), and through the entrance. Right after hes gone the bouncer and cover collector look around only to see me and Juan standing there in amazement. It was the absolute perfect timing. I had seen Chris try this move before but never sucessfully. Usually he ends up getting pushed by the bouncer. So, anyway, Chris was gone. I didn't feel like paying cover. I instead got two slices of pizza. Juan and I get a cab later and head back to the appartment. I remember that I thought something was going to happen this night but nothing had yet occured except for Chris's entrance.

I only have $6 and Juan has $3. The cab ride to Old City was $7.40. With tip, we would be cutting it close. Juan decides to be noble and says that we should just get out if and when the meter hits $8 so we can tip him $1. I decide this is ridiculous because a tip is optional. We might as well go right to $9 since that is all we have and I tried to tell the cab driver that. We come to a block or two away from the appartment and the meter hits $8. Juan tells the guy to stop and we get out, giving him the $9. He then drives past us, past our appartment building and onward. I start arguing with Juan about how stupid it was to get out when we did and how the whole purpose of a tip. If we had money to tip we would but for the casese where you really do not have the money for a tip, it is OK, since the tip is technically optional. Considering the guy was going to drive right by our appartment anyway the amount of money the guy would have when driving by our appartment would be $9 whether we got out two blocks earlier or not it seemd so ridiculous. So Juan is arguing but more trying to insult me by saying I'm spoiled since I have never worked a job with tipping involved as we walk into our appartment lobby. I respond by saying something about computers and not needing to do that type of job and I hear a girl in front of us say, "Nerd", under her breath, and in a pretty negative connotation. I am pretty drunk at this time let me mention. As I walk by the girl, who was with another girl and a dude, I say:

Me: Wha? Did you just say nerd?
Girl: Oh, me? no, no (sarcastically giggles)
Me: (walking away) Ahh ok, I see.....Bitch!
Dude: Did you just say something?
Me: Wha? Did I say something? No, no, that couldn't have been me.

At this time the drunken dude with the girls starts yelling and threatening me as we are walking to the elevators. Also threatening Juan. I am thinking, if it comes down to it, me and Juan will beat the crap out of this guy. I could probably take him myself and with Juan it would be no problem.

Dude: blah blah blah, I probably will end up poor, bald and divorced, mastrubating to the JC Penny catalog. (of course he didnt really say this but it was nonsensical frat tough guy talk)
Me: Wha? Hmm. Ok.
Dude: blah blah.
Juan: Sorry man, hes pretty drunk.
Dude: blah blah.
Me: Yeah ok, sure. Sure.

Now at the elevator I saw another dude holding the elevator door for them. This is when I started second thinking any possible fight. Neither of us have really been in a fight before and I didn't really trust Juan as a goto backup for fighting. That other guy was with them so he was sure to come and help out so 2 vs 2 didn't seem the best of odds. Of course I knew we still could have possibly beaten them but it would have hurt afterwards.

So I'm doing my sarcastic asshole impression, careful not to say too much as to get punched in the face first (if any punching was happening I wanted to throw the first punch). I'm pretty good at avoiding fights as I have been in similar situation many times. The dude finally pushes me back and the girl goes in between us but I decide it is not the time. They get in the elevator and off they went. Now, if Chris happened to be with us at the time it probably would have ended up as a bloody mess as I would have probably gone for it after he pushed me (mostly because I was drunk and in a fighting mood).

There aren't really many justifiable reasons to get in a fist fight, especially to start a fight. The one main reason you do get in a fight is if someone punches you first or you think he really might do it (pre-emptive style).

I later learned that Juan actually knew the other guy on the elevator and is kind of friendly with him.


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