Monday, June 13, 2005

Story time.

This story is much better than it might seem, I cannot express the nuance or even all the ridiculous facts since I was somewhat drunk at the time and me no write good. Anyway, Saturday night I go to a party with some friends. Five of us leave early. Right outside, two of the friends start fighting. I try to break it up, get pushed, and, being drunk, trip, fall back jamming my wrist. We continue to walk for about 20 minutes towards home looking for a cab. We come to a point where it would be quicker to just walk home instead of looking for a cab. Before we go, one of my friends realizes he lost his keys somewhere on the journey from the party. 2 people continue home while 3 of us head back to look for the keys.

On the way back we see two guys outside a house. One guy is puking, the other standing there watching him. The street we were on was where the friend had been doing a cartwheel or hand spring and possibly lost his keys there. My one friends asks the non puking individual if he has seen the missing keys on the street or around anywhere. He says no. My friend continues to say that if this guy does find his keys to give him a call. The guy, who is a total stranger, gets offended somehow. This is where I stopped really paying attention but somehow the guy, who is drunk, gets so enraged at my friend that he jumps down from the steps he was on and comes after my friend. My friend, backing away, comes by me and, of course, as the guy comes by me he pushes me, who, being drunk, trip, fall back jamming my wrist.

At that moment, none of us could have fought or even cared about fighting this guy especially with my busted wrist. Worst came to worst the three of us could have but why even bother (im a wussy nice guy) so we just start running away. He actually chased us for a half a block. I could barely hold back the hilarity of the situation. As we were running we noticed a white car that had watched the whole incident and was to the side following us. Inside were two girls. We asked them for a ride to take us a few blocks back to the party. They agreed to help us out and gave us a quick ride. There is another funny part of the story right after this that I have to leave out at this time, sorry.

We arrive back at the party about an hour/hour and a half after we left it in the first place. I'm bleeding with my two bloodied hands; each fall bloodied a different hand. I'm trying to convey the story while some nice people help me wash the dirt and gravel out of the cuts on my hands. All the while, I'm amazed that I am back at the party in the first place.

So the next morning I realize that I lost my watch somewhere and my left wrist still hurts. I go get the wrist xrayed and they say its probably sprained, no breaks apparant yet (they didn't seem to know much). Still sucks because I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow (just wait for those stories) and I would like to have full movement of my extremeties. Oh well, off to Vegas for some days.


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