Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wasting Days.

The past few days have been complete wastes. Today was the worst. It is not often you can actually pinpoint exactly what you were doing and how long it took for the entire day. It all started (and ended) with a horribly addictive game called Civilization 4. I woke up at 12, decided to install the game and go downstairs to make myself some breakfast. Instead of going downstairs after installing the game I began to play it a little. 6 hours later I stumble downstairs starving. It is 7pm and the sun has already gone down. I decide to watch two episodes of OZ on HBO with my roomate and continue to watch two episodes of scrubs until 10pm. While watching I ate my food of the day. After scrubs was over I headed back upstairs and continued my game for another 4 hours. I finally finish the game after 10 hours of playtime. The day was over, it was 2am and I had accomplished nothing except beat the crap out of the civilized world pretending to be the Aztecs. That was my entire day. I didn't even leave my room until 7pm. I had no idea the game took that long to play. A game with the combination of taking a lot of time and being addictive is a bad combination.


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