Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Interesting Conversation.

Today someone smelled my hair and asked what shampoo I used. Being one of those silly types of human beings or maybe just a compulsive liar, I said, straight faced, "Oh, yeah I make it myself in my bathtub. Works great!" The person responded, somewhat incredulously, with, "really? thats interesting." I assured this person that I did indeed brew my own shampoo in a bathtub with all the proper herbs and spices. Eventually the topic was left for another. What was interesting about this conversation is that I think I may be the first person to make this joke, possibly ever. Next time someone asks you what shampoo you use I welcome you to use my joke. Hmmm, now that I think more about it, I bet a lot of people actually do make their own shampoo. Still funny though.

OK, fine, I actually just wanted to use a form of the word incredulous in a post. But the story did happen...really.


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