Thursday, November 17, 2005

Little Bits of Nothing.

Today after class I had a long internal debate as to whether or not I should take the trolly home for only an hour or just stay at school until my next class. Taking the trolly home is $1.30 so I was thinking what better things I could buy with such money; like animal crackers or some baseball cards. After awhile I decided just to spend the stupid token and go home. I get in the first trolly to stop, go to put the token in the machine and the driver quickly puts his hand over it. He said the ride was on him. I looked in the trolly and I was the only one there. Now that I write this, it seems kind of creepy but he was just lonely. I was the first person to get on in awhile.

Yesterday a guy knocked on the door and asked if he could use our house (particularly the porch and entrance) in a movie. Some independant psychological thriller. Even before he said we would get componsated I was already thinking it would be cool. He took a bunch of pictures and said he would show them to the director, who would make the final decision. Cool stuff if it works out.

A few days ago I went across the street to a pizza place and I noticed they had a selection of hotsauces for sale. These hotsauces were the "so hot you lose color vision" types of hotsauces. One in particular looked quite nasty; it had a 500,000 Scoville rating and was in a weird looking sealed container. Actually, here it is. I think I might buy it just to provoke a future funny story.


Blogger joanne said...

You forgot to add how the guy told us that if you have a drop of the hot sauce, you will blow your ass out the next day.

1:34 AM  

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