Friday, November 11, 2005

My Body and Me.

My body and I have a pretty good relationship. I feed and play games with it. Do all sorts of things. We have a good time and we don't keep secrets from eachother. At least thats what I thought.

I found out today that my body has been keeping a weird secret from me. Remeber when I had that rare vomit incident down in baltimore? The prarie fire shot was not really the cause. I realize now that my assessment that the shower was the direct cause of the vomit was right on because it happened again. I got pretty drunk last night at a new bar called the Mill Creek Tavern. Woke up this morning with the lights on, fully dressed and laying in a bunch of papers on my bed. I felt hungover but not too bad. After drinking some water and wandering around some I decided to take a shower. Note that I am still somewhat hungover. When I got in the shower, after a minute or two in the warm water I had that weird vomit feeling and puked in the toilet. Apparantly, taking a shower while hungover is the magic button to make me throw up. Weird. I now have to ammend my puking policy to, "I never puke unless I am taking a shower while hungover."


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