Friday, May 27, 2005

Paper Chess.

Well, the chess program is pretty much done. Download it and try it out. You will need someone to play against (one person hosts, then the other person connects to the hosts IP). (unless you want to play yourself and open it up twice and set one as host and the remote player connect to

You will also need Java 1.5 installed which you probably don't have yet.
Get it here. Do an online install. Mac people just need Tiger installed I think.

Once you download it just unzip it to your desktop or something and double click on it.
Oh, there is a font that really should be installed. It is included with the game but you need to install it.

One last note is that if you are hosting, you will need to open up port 9999 if you have a firewall and know your IP address to give out to the person your playing against. If you don't know what I'm talking about...ah well.

So anyway, still might be buggy but here download Paper Chess.

Oh, ANY bugs you might find please tell me or post as a comment as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I've been really busy the last 5 days or so because it's been realized that the final/only project in my software engineering class worth 80% of my grade is due this friday. It is a group project to make a chess program that had to play another human through the internet and it wasn't nearly completed. After many hours typing and little sleep it is finally pretty much completed although it is coded somewhat terribly. Funny that the program itself isn't really as important as is the requirements, coding style, architecture, testing and other bureaucratic stuff that was supposed to go into it. Oh well. At least the gui for our chess program a novel idea. I will post it in all it's glory when its finalized.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I'm taking a nutrition class and now I'm paranoid all the time about the food I eat. Everything can kill you. I bought these apple cinnamon waffles and didn't notice that it uses partially hydrogenated soybean oil. Transfat! I'm scared to eat them. Damn you nutrition class, burn in hell. Ignorance is bliss...sweet sweet apple cinnamon bliss.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Idea of the Day.

Vitamin and mineral/some sort of healthy thing fortified beer. I would make millions. Watch it happen.