Friday, December 17, 2004

Love Actually.

It's not as gay as it seems.

Speaking of movies, Saw is the worst movie ever released to theaters. I have seen more entertaining things closing my eyes and watching the random light hallucinations that happen. What? That doesn't happen to you? I think I need a doctor.

Work Bathrooms.

Do you have a favorite stall that you chose over other stalls? You wierdo.

More Inventions.

I hear from people that the car radio information idea I had below actually exists. Sweet, I wonder for how long because I had that idea for awhile. Anyway, cool stuff but suck on these idea's I remembered:

Radio Information Continued: One of my original ideas behind the radio information idea was for this: Since the radio information already exists why not make a little thing for your computer or car radio, or ipod (anything with memory) that you can program the titles of songs you like and it will LEGALLY(maybe) store them for your future listening. I'm sure the RIAA would love this idea...suck it RIAA.

Bluetooth Caps: A small tranciever with variable attachments (usb, audio, telephone, whatnot) would plug into any existing wired device (mouse, keyboard, telephone) while another transciever would plug into the actual port on your computer or the wall. They would communicate with bluetooth technology to make any existing wired device a wireless device. BING! Oh, it would come with a rubber band or something to tie up the now useless cord.

Someday I will probably be like that crotchity old guy who actually invented the telephone but lost out to Alexander Bell and used in trivia on Jepordy. Or just the crazy crotchity old guy who invents the telephone 40 years after it already has been invented. Ahh, those will be the days.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Christmas Shopping

Hmm, maybe I should start doing that, I hear it's happening soon.

Been a slow day today.

Haha! The Pope got you, I think he gets to kill you or something now. I don't know the rules to that weird game.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

What's the best way to shiv someone?

Just wondering.

Ahh Wednesday.

-Thought about training as a stuntman so I wouldn't have to walk down long flights of stairs anymore, I could just fall down. It would make it much easier.

-Never think you can spit out the window of a car going 80mph. You will never win.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Other happenings.

Well..almost hit a deer this morning driving to work, then just barely missed to the two retarded speed walking women like I do every day. Its pitch black outside and they walk in the street when there is a sidwalk on the other side of the road. Every morning like clockwork I almost kill them. I'll probably mention them again sometime.

Almost made a bet that I could eat 10,000 calories in one work day. Need to do more research as to if I might die.

Apparantly Minute Maid Orange Soda contains no Vitamin C while plastic tasting drink Hawian Punch has 100% daily value. What the dillio, doesn't Vitamin C taste like oranges anyway?

Hey, they cured the high five here.

Trash Balls and Religion.

Today a small discussion arose at lunch. I will try to restate it here but of course much is lost in translation. After getting my taco bell I went to sit with some friends who were already sitting down. It so happened that Paul and Brian picked out a lunch table that had a small pile of trash on it already. I had eaten my food and just had the taco wrappers and some napkins bunched into a ball of trash.

Me: I should just leave this trash ball on the table.
Brian: So start a pile.
Me: I am not one to start something like a trash pile, that's rude, but if someone did the dirty work for me I don't mind joining in. So look, theres already some trash on the table and when someone comes to clean that up they won't know if anyone else put their trash in there.
Brian: Ahh so, you're saying something like you wouldn't want to start a religion but you have no problem just joining one?
Me: Oh no, I would love to start a religion...I want to be the number one, the guy on the tippy top of them all! With all my underlings and such. (yes I said tippy, screw you)
Paul: So it would be a Pyramid scheme?
Me: Well, only to the outsiders. People on the inside will think its great.
Me: So you guys want eternal happiness or what?

Anyway, the moral of the story is join my religion for eternal happiness. Just worship me like a god and your good. Simple. Oh and I didn't leave the trash ball on the table, I just put it on Paul's tray. Though, again, I see no problem leaving the trash on the table if there is already some trash there.

Also start leaving comments if you have something to say. All 4 of you.

Monday, December 13, 2004


I come up with a lot of useful (or not) inventions/buisness ideas that I always tell myself to write down. Now I shall do just that. At least for a few that I can remember. Feel free to actually take these and make/do them but I have patented every one so you owe me royalties or something (hah sucker). These aren't usually the full ideas, just the gists.

1.) Drexel University Liquor and Beer Store - What college does not have mass cheap alcohol within walking distance? It would make a fortune. This one is a keeper although there are probably some leagal reasons it has not already happened.

2.) Traffic Auto-drive - We already have cruise control, this would be similar except it has access to the brakes. It would be for when you are stuck on the highway or something just inching along. Stopping and starting and almost ramming the car in front is always annoying. This would go a max speed of like 5-10mph and just sense the car in front of you (could be with existing laser distance technology) and determine if it was moving away or not.

3.) Food Favorites Card - This would be a magnetic strip members club card subway or wawa would give out that you could store your favorite sandwich on. All you would have to do is swipe the thing on those wawa style terminals and BAM, your sandwich is being made. It would also be good for advertising purposes and demographics as you can see what people like and track them!

4.) Radio Information - This one I'm not too sure about but I think it should be feasible to send a little extra information with the radio signal that could identify the current song and artist. It could be recieved by your radio and displayed on the screen. This could actually have great marketing potential as you could send advertisements or whatever the hell you want to brainwash people.

5.) Soda Straw - Just a straw placed in a carbinated soda bottle. When the bottle is opened the straw would pop out ready to be drunken. Who uses a straw to drink soda? I don't care but it could be helpful.

6.) Starburst Candy Bar - I'm tired of unwrapping each individual piece of candy. It's such a pain in the ass. The Starburst Bar would be a bunch of starburst stacked on top of eachother. The edges would be perferrated so they would stick together but still be able to come apart easily. Then you could eat them separately still with ease or just take a big bite. Hmm they might melt together but hey, chocolate bars melt all over too.

7.) Driveway Melter - This would be similar to one of those Roomba automatic vacuum robots that goes around your floor cleaning stuff. You would put one of these on your driveway as it started to snow and it would do its thing on the driveway except that it would have a heater on the bottom of it instead of a vacuum. This would melt the snow before it could accumulate.

my brain hurts from thinking of these, ill post more as they come to me...maybe

Thought Process.

Today at work:

Me: Hmm..why don't we check the specs on the endline for the rotary... girder...
Boss: Who are you? And what the hell are you talking about? Are you just making up words?
Me (internally): Ya know what, I said captain planet had blue hair this morning but now that I think about it, it's really a more aqua greenish color..oh well.
Me (externally): Wha?
Boss: You're fired.

Captain Planet

I think I'm the only one that watches it still. It just happens to be on at 5:30 in the morning and I put it on while I get ready. I just have a thing for blue mullets and laughing at how useless the heart power is.


Some might already have known this but I recently tried to develop a new sleeping pattern where I would go to work at 5:45am, come back by 3:50pm and then sleep for 4 hours until around 8pm. That would eliminate what I call the boring hours of the day and allow me to stay up and party until 1:00am if needed and still get a pseudo 8hrs of sleep. I wanted the best of both worlds, no traffic, getting home early, and staying up late. After some testing I have found that it doesn't seem to work quite right yet. It might be attributed to the fact that I don't excercise and probably don't eat right (taco bell every day for lunch [2 soft taco supremes, beans without meat please.]) but I was pretty tired most of the day after work. Oh well, screw you sleep dept I do what I want.

Also, is it sad when you don't even have to talk to the taco bell workers because they know your order already? I kinda think it is but it sure makes it a hell of a lot easier.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Typical Manifesto

Well then, this site might soon well contain random thoughts I have.

First off, I am not a prolific writer and I have actually been quoted as saying I hate writing. This is true but that does not mean I actually cannot write; you may remember some of my works such as "Astronomy Midterm #1" and "History Pop Quiz #3". Ahh.. but I joke. Anyway, for the longest time I have a habit of not actively remembering my past. I usually say that all my memories are stored in other people. I have to hang around my friends to actually "jog" my memory. Everything is there in my brain but I dare just say I am lazy or have a tumor. To switch it up a bit I now give you, Mr. Internet, my memories to remember for me. Yep. So I try.

Anyway, 50/50 chance I give this up by tomorrow. Oh, and I used a semi colon above there but I was just trying to be cool. I don't know what a semi colon is.

