Friday, November 11, 2005

My Body and Me.

My body and I have a pretty good relationship. I feed and play games with it. Do all sorts of things. We have a good time and we don't keep secrets from eachother. At least thats what I thought.

I found out today that my body has been keeping a weird secret from me. Remeber when I had that rare vomit incident down in baltimore? The prarie fire shot was not really the cause. I realize now that my assessment that the shower was the direct cause of the vomit was right on because it happened again. I got pretty drunk last night at a new bar called the Mill Creek Tavern. Woke up this morning with the lights on, fully dressed and laying in a bunch of papers on my bed. I felt hungover but not too bad. After drinking some water and wandering around some I decided to take a shower. Note that I am still somewhat hungover. When I got in the shower, after a minute or two in the warm water I had that weird vomit feeling and puked in the toilet. Apparantly, taking a shower while hungover is the magic button to make me throw up. Weird. I now have to ammend my puking policy to, "I never puke unless I am taking a shower while hungover."

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

New Links.

If you are an astute (vocab word) reader you may notice that there are two new links in the Links section. HillyTheGak and Raventhrawn. They are friends so I link them. Carry on.

Buddy Lee.

Today I was walking through the quad and I see a large tour bus parked in the middle with a large picture of Buddy Lee on it. Some sort of dungaree tour or something. Anyway, there was small racetrack set up with remote controlled cars in it. I discover that if you can win a race you get free jeans. Being one of the first people there the line was really short so I got my turn and won. Free jeans for me. Yay.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Interesting Conversation.

Today someone smelled my hair and asked what shampoo I used. Being one of those silly types of human beings or maybe just a compulsive liar, I said, straight faced, "Oh, yeah I make it myself in my bathtub. Works great!" The person responded, somewhat incredulously, with, "really? thats interesting." I assured this person that I did indeed brew my own shampoo in a bathtub with all the proper herbs and spices. Eventually the topic was left for another. What was interesting about this conversation is that I think I may be the first person to make this joke, possibly ever. Next time someone asks you what shampoo you use I welcome you to use my joke. Hmmm, now that I think more about it, I bet a lot of people actually do make their own shampoo. Still funny though.

OK, fine, I actually just wanted to use a form of the word incredulous in a post. But the story did happen...really.

Lamest Post Ever.

While walking around campus today, my shoelaces somehow became untied for the first time in year and a half. I looked down, puzzled, and said, "hey my fucking shoe laces are untied." No one cared. I then subsequently tied them. The end.

Monday, November 07, 2005

This Weekend.

So, some highlights from this mostly uneventful weekend:

1)Tried on womans jeans and figured out I am a size 8-10. Bought clothes (not woman jeans though, maybe another time, hah)

2)Went to a Guiness beer "Believer Show" at Dave & Buster's, drank beer and became brainwashed into loving Guiness (although I already loved Guiness).

3)Became involved in a weird incident described below:
Chris, Cleary and I were wandering around flagging down a cab to get home from the Guiness thing. After finally getting a cab to stop, it stopped in the middle of the street to wait for us. The car behind our cab started honking and went slowly around, Chris yelled a curse at the guy before we got in the car. The guy, who was some sort of hispanic guy, dressed in trendy clothes, heard Chris's remark and got enraged. When I say enraged, imagine road rage x 2. He pulled up next to the cab and started yelling. The cabbie, who turned out to be a nice guy and luckily spoke english, slowed down and allowed the guy to continue ahead. The guy continued ahead but stopped at the corner of the street, waited for us to turn and continued to follow.

Finally, the cabbie had had enough and stopped, letting the guy pull up right next to us. Note that I am sitting on the side window closest to this guy. So the dude continues freaking out, demanding that Chris do something in broken english that I couldn't understand. The guy was alone in the car so I found it odd he had the desire to challenge a car full of people unless he had a gun or something. We realized he was also probably a little drunk. Usually, in these type of situations, I pull out my phone and start taking pictures. In this case, though, I feared provokation might be a bad idea. This guy might actually have this gun or something and if anyone was going to be shot, it would have been me as I was the closest person and in the direct line of sight of Chris. Turns out he didn't have a gun but instead an empty glass of some sort he was threatening to throw at my window. I sat there with a goofy look on my face looking confused; trying not to entice the guy to throw anything at my window with any funny looks or laughing.

The cab driver eventually talked him down with some simple logic (ie. "Really, what are you doing, just go on your way?") and we continued on our way. The cabbie also said afterwards that he had a gun ready just in case.

4)Bought a large trashcan at KMart with Chris and Cleary. It only fit in the back seat so we forced Cleary to get in it laying sideways for the ride home. It was hillarious.