Saturday, May 21, 2005


I hate coming home drunk and knowing I should brush my teeth. Damnit, I just don't feel like it, I'll do it tomorrow morning.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


I've determined I need a new desktop background for my computer and hey, what are blogs for? So, anyone know of a good desktop background I could use? I'm a fan of simple looking cool things. Not too much clutter. But I'm open to any suggestions.

This is my current background. I'm not sure what it represents.


I'm pretty disturbed by those Charmin toilet paper commercials with the bears.

Star wars.

Just to get it out there with all the millions of other nerds at the same time. I just saw the final star wars. It was an ok movie but the dialogue was horrible, I cringed everytime Anakin and Padme were in a room together. Oh and computer graphics are real now, did you notice (or not notice as it were)? Cool stuff.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What sucks?

Say it with me now..."statistics". I had to drop the class this term and now a class that I'm trying to take in the summer term is going to rely heavily upon it. Damnit. The class I'm trying to take is Advanced Artificial Intelligence. Yes, I'm building a T-100 robot and yes, it's going to kill John Conner.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Blog splits.

I think I want to split my blog into two separate sections, one for the daily log of my activities and weekends, the other section for my random thoughts, ideas, and other interesting items. Don't think it will be easy to do with blogspot, so oh well.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Veronica Mars.

Shut up. I'll get that out of the way up front. So most of you were probably like me if someone told you the show Veronica Mars is good. I didn't believe it either. The show is not only seemingly like one of those product placement teen O.C. type shows but it's on the UPN network, which is notoriously full of bad shows.

Well I made a deal with my friend Joanne. She already liked the show and was going to download every episode from this first season. She wanted me to watch it. I told her if she did download the entire season that I would watch the first episode with her. Well she downloaded the episodes and I watched the first one..and it was surprisingly decent. Decent enough that I watched the second one, then the third one. By this time I was hooked and the shows theme song "We Used to be Friends" by The Dandy Warholes was stuck in my head. Curse television! I probably would like most "crappy, popular" television programs if I gave them a chance. I'm weak like that.

Apply the "shut up" right about now.


This post is late because I had a bunch of pictures that I wanted to include but lost motivation and the ability to describe the weekend entertainingly...anyway this is summary. No proof reading by me (is there ever?). yes, sometimes... i seem to be talking to myself.

Went up to Syracuse University May 6thish weekend in New York to visit some friends. I somehow managed to drink beer(mostly keystone light) continously for over 24 hours from Friday night to sunday morning. Probably the most I have ever drank in 2 consecutive days. Began Friday night at a bar consisting of $3 pitchers of beer. I was amazed since I usually hang around philadelphia where many of the places have single beers for $5 or $6. Anyway, the place was absolutly packed with people. Had a good time. On the way home me and two friends were walking home. Three girls were walking in front of us. All of a sudden one of the girls turns around and challenges us to a spitting contest, saying she was sure she could spit further than any of us. I cannot spit far at all but little did she know that one of my friends practices spitting like its his job. He defeated her and she was quite drunkenly annoyed.

The next morning we forced ourselves up at around 10AM for a round of golf. It was me and four of my friends. We arrived at the course (after a quick stop at the store to pick up a case of beer) and somehow obtained 2 golf carts for free. Out of the five of us, only one person knew how to really golf. Most of us had never even played a round before (besides mini golf or driving ranges). It was a good time though, very fun drunkenly riding around in those golf carts.

At around 4PM, after around 4 hours of golfing we headed to a beer pong tournament/party nearby. We pull up and hear a live band playing in the backyard of a house along with around 6 or 7 beer pong tables set up and a bunch of people everywhere. Moments after paying $5 for a cup to drink, getting the beer, and taking the first sip I look over my shoulder and see two police officers coming my way. The damn cops shut down the party, citing loudness or some bullshit. The band was a bit loud but they could have just stopped and, again, remember it's only 4PM! So, every files out and me and the crew head back to my friends house to drink some more while we figure out whats going on.

Eventually we decide we need to get more beer and go over to someone elses house and hang out for awhile. There are around 10 people at the house. At around midnight, after some card games and whatnot one of my friends gets a call from some people challenging all of us to a kickball game. After considering we all had not played kickball since 4th grade we accept the challenge. While walking over to the field we notice a guy and a girl carrying an entire stop sign. Once we arrive at the field we all begin playing a group of people who apparantly play kickball a lot because we were getting our asses kicked. There were no lights and we were drunk but it was still an ass kicking. Midway into the third inning I noticed everyone walking over to the fence next to the street and I see two campus security cars parked. The damn campus security broke up our game! It's around 1am but again, remember, it's kickball. After sadly informing the campus security that it we were off to do a more wholesome activity such as doing speedballs we left to hang out at someones house where we drank and chilled until almost 4am.

By this point, after drinking for so many hours, I was almost immune to the effects of beer. I was at this hazy stage where I was not super drunk but more beer had almost no affect on me.

I don't remember what happened after this, nothing exciting I don't think. Oh yeah, one of my friends, Juan, acted as a target for a waterballoon launcher a few times. He didn't realize at the time how much it could have hurt. We missed him. Maybe I'll post the pictures later.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


This weekend in summary:
Went out friday to Dead Fred's for $1 beers. Saw a few highschool friends I hadn't seen in a long while. They had just graduated college. Battered. Almost got in a drunken fight with someone I'll explain later when I have motivation.

Saturday, Drexel's "spring jam" was going on. Cheap nachos, pretzels, and diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper for all! Oh yeah, and little packets of vanilla dentine ice gum. Cheap drexel. Snuck into University of Pennsylvania's graduation party which was much better, open bar, free decent food. Later went to another open bar outside the Marathon Grill near center city. Classy.

Sunday was pretty lazy, watched a bunch of Veronica Mars episodes (see other post). Had a nice little bbq outside for dinner. Missed family guy but I'm downloading it now.

Oh yeah.

I have a blog. I forgot.