Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Birthday Dinner.

Went out to Maggiano's Little Italy restaraunt in Philly with my parents. Had an interesting time. First of all, my mom mentionted to every person that walked near us that it was my birthday. The mexican bus boy who was filling our water could not have been less impressed. He might not have understood english because he sat there with a confused look on his face as if he didn't quite know what to do. It was amusing. So, after some delicious artichoke spinach dip and other appetizers we ordered our main meals. My dad ordered some garlic mashed potatoes with his. When our food came out my dad started eating some mashed potatoes and said they were really good. I asked for some potatoes and my mom started scooping some onto a plate. My mom then says theres something hard in the mashed potatoes. I think its probably a potato piece or something but my mom continues to say that its metal. I tell her to scoop it out and she plops this large hunk of metal onto the plate. After clearing away some mashed potatoes I notice it looks a lot like a hose nozzle. I quickly snap a picture of it before my mom calls the waitress, who quickly grabbed the potatoes and nozzle and went into the kitchen. A few moments later the manager comes out and appologizes profusely; explaining that they make a lot of mashed potatoes at once and a piece of one of the machines broke off. He then asked who was eating the potatoes and we all said we were. After staring at the manager in silence (I could tell he didn't want to give us all a free meal if he didn't have to) he broke down and said our meal would be free. HA! Turned out to be a $60 meal between the 3 of us. After the manager left the cook came out and appologized, followed by the waitress, who gave my dad a salad for some reason. Everyone was much nicer after that.

On a side note, I find it almost ridiculous that resaraunts are forced to give out free meals for stuff like that. Granted, metal hose nozzles don't belong in food but it really wasn't that bad. The rest of the food was great. Suckers.

The nozzle is that chunk to the left top corner of the square.
The mashed potato bowl are seen on the far left

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My birthday.

Today is also the day of launch for the space shuttle Discovery after a 2 year hietus. I hope it doesn't crash today and ruin the date today for years to come.

Great. 1 in 100 odds. I don't like it at all.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Long ass day.

My lazy long day.

7:30am: Wake up in a groggy haze, trip over shoes, pee on self.
7:50am: Get backpack, shoes, put on clothes, walk out door towards Post Office on 29th Market Street.
8:05am: Walk in post office to pick up textbook left by UPS guy for a test in the course at 9:00am. Of course I put it off until the morning of the test when I could have picked it up anytime last week.
8:07am: Wait in line. Fall asleep on counter.
8:10am: Get poked by old guy waiting behind me. My turn. I get the book.
8:15am: Walk through 30th street station looking for food. Taco bell is closed until 10am..damnit.
8:30am: Go back to campus and get a bagel toasted with cream cheese from food cart. When I say toasted I really mean fried in grease. Delicious.
8:40am: Buy diet coke by accident. Head to class and sit down, study book. Eat bagel.
9:00am: Take test. Perfect score. woo woo.
11:00am: Go back to appartment, watch tivo. Complement tivo for being so cool. Post on blog. Eat forkfull of penut butter.
12:55pm: Walk to class again. Learn how Michael Dell dropped out of college and became billionaire. Get ideas.
2:00pm: Go back to appartment. Eat handfull of Total cereal; shreded cheese.
2:55pm: Arrive downstairs for class. Learn about Monte Carlo methods. Ponder about using it to cheat at blackjack somehow.
4:00pm: Stroll to 7-11 to buy a Red Bull to awaken me for midterm at 6:00pm. Bought the sugar free kind. Never drank/bought a Red Bull without vodka. Tasted like carbonated vomit.
4:20pm: Walk to library to look at textbook before test (didn't buy this one). Borrow it and sit down, go through 5 chapters memorizing all the keywords.
5:40pm: Finish looking at book, go to class and sit until 6:00pm.
6:00pm: Take test.
6:20pm: Finish test. Wander home until people finish test and class resumes at 7:15pm.
6:25pm: Offer bum semi used napkin after he asks for money (I didn't have anything). Cover kidneys to prevent stabbing.
6:30pm: Watch tivo. Eat another forkfull of penut butter; hot dog.
7:15pm: Go back to class, watch boring video about "American Justice"...murder and whatever.
9:00pm: Class ends, meet with group in classroom for presentation tomorrow. Little gets done. I play with microphone, pretending to be god.
11:30pm: Finish meeting, head home. Drink gingerale and gin. Tonic was sold out.
12:00am: Get instant message saying "happy birthday", I had actually forgotten.
1:10am: Write boring blog post about what I did today. Brush teeth, go to bed for class at 9:30am hoping someone did the homework for another group project.


Here is a fun game I came across. Interesting idea.

Also interesting I guess is
Actually uses real time AIM information from AOL to calculate your "popularity". I know one person who is actually in the top %5.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


I was looking through older posts to the blog. I've been scribbling notes for almost 8 months now and I had already forgotten some of the stuff I wrote. Rereading some of the posts made me laugh. I'm funny. I also noticed some spelling mistakes that I didn't remember being there before.


Overall, this weekend was pretty boring. The majority of people I know were away somewhere or had something else to do that didn't involve me. I wish I could be content doing nothing, it's much easier. I had a feeling something cool was going to happen this weekend too, oh well. Maybe next weekend.

Oh, my birthday is coming up tuesday, July 26th bitches. Right during midterm week. Awesome. I feel old.