Friday, July 15, 2005


I was having a discussion about how in most television series there is at least one episode dealing with drugs, particuarly speed. Family Ties, Fresh Prince, Full House...the list is pretty long. That discussion happened during the bar trivia night where we also named our trivia team Macgyver. Funny thing was the next day I was watching Macgyver and it was the speed episode. Culmination, awesome.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Don't hate me.

So, two things. First of all, I won't give all the details because I don't think I want my full name arriving on the internet attached to this blog yet where it will be stored for all time. But I went to a bar trivia tonight where one of the questions happened to be what people of a certain religion, of which I was named after, have as their last name. I wrote it down (as it is my last name) and it turned out to wrong. I thought my life had been a lie. I don't follow the religion but I thought I had some very basic things down. Turns out the guy was wrong in that the name he was thinking of could be a middle or last name. So my life is not a complete lie. People I was with laughed heartily at me at the time.

Second of all, I had to visit a school lab today to use a scanner for scanning a take home exam that had to be submitted over the internet. I turned on a computer and scanned in the pages. Upon going to gmail to send the pictures to myself I find that the last user of the computer accidently forgot to log out of gmail. His mailbox was completely open to me. Turns out my friend recognized the name of the owner as a homosexual guy a year below him. Not wanting to lose an oppourtunity to have a good story I decided to browse through a few of his current inbox messages. Yeah, I know, it's not very ethical of me but I wouldn't do anything bad about it. It will have no effect on him at all, ever. It seemed like he used his email a lot and he apparantly used it for many different purposes...including hooking up with other guys. About the second email I looked at disturbed me so much I had to copy a brief part of the conversation and email it to myself through a generic hotmail account. I'm not going to post the conversation because that might give something away. Let me just say, gmail groups emails into conversations and there were about 5 emails in this conversation...and pictures were present. Disturbing. I logged him off after that second email and thats that. HAH. Don't hate me. I'm a good guy.

Oh wait, third thing. Walking home from trivia we saw this bum squatting in the middle of the sidewalk ahead looking shady. Of course I quietly snap a picture of him (turned out to be very crappy) right about the time he looks over. As I get closer I notice that it looks like hes jerking off or something but most of his back is facing me. He continued for a few more seconds and then stood up and walked past us staring at us..even when he was behind us. I feared he might stab me in the kidney but it was unfounded.

Shady jerk bum.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I need business cards.

I could use some business cards. They can be simple, with just my name, number, and maybe email or im...maybe a title or saying like "professional adventurer" or something less gay. I could give them out to people I meet as well as enter in contests to win free lunches. The lunches thing is what made me think about it. Any info about possible titles or ways to get some free cards are welcome. I'm thinking about the free card offer from this one but they dont give you a lot of options, especially for spacing since I am not going to have much on the thing. It's free because they put their logo on the back of the card which isn't that bad.

Monday, July 11, 2005


I have something against books. I really dislike reading them. This is unfortunate because I would like to enjoy reading. (Enjoying reading and enjoying running would be the top 2 things I would like to do but I hate) People seem to have a lot of fun and get a lot of knowledge from reading and I think I'm missing out. Television is to blame I think (as well as grade school books [Hard Times was hard times..haha, never gets old]), it's hard for me to focus. Funny thing is I actually read more than most people thanks to the internet. My hatred of books is compounded by school textbooks, which, along with the ridiculous amount of money they cost and lack of use, is the reason I don't buy books for my courses. I find it a challenge to do well in a course without ever buying the textbook. I find that often textbooks are not needed at all (unless the homework is directly from the book and you don't feel like borrowing things a lot).

Anyway, there is a reason to this rant. There is a glaring exception to my hatred of books which is why I know reading can be fun. The only books I have really ever enjoyed reading are the Harry Potter books. The next one is coming out on Saturday and I'm as giddy as a dog watching a cat watching a pigeon watching a fat kid eat popcorn. Combined.

If anyone knows any entertaining books that are good for the reading impaired such as myself leave a comment or just tell me. I am interested in all sorts of intelligent things and probably won't want to read a kid book. Oh, screw you if you don't like Harry Potter. You die and go to hell and then die again.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Lazy sunday.

I should do laundry but instead I will let the large pile of my clothes grow larger.
I should call some people and hang out but instead I will play some guitar (poorly).
I should get outside and walk to Qdoba but instead I will make a snack.
I should study for a test tomorrow morning but instead I will watch tv.
I should go to the grocery store but instead I will live off of Total cereal and pasta another day longer.
I should take a shower but instead I will make this post.
I should get motivated but instead I will probably just take a nap.
I should have done a lot of things today but I won't...although the day is not over.