Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Today I bought 26 microwave burritos. There was a sale. That is all.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Happy Annivesary.

I cannot believe it has been a year.

According to my first posts I said there was only a 50/50 chance I would continue to the next day. Looks like I did, and beyond. For this, my 300th post, I shall recount some of what has happened over the course of the last year.

1) I have slightly improved my ability to curse.
2) I have no fucking idea, read the blog. That's a good reason why it exists.

Oh, as a reminder to me if I ever forget. Much is not recorded so don't forget what you shouldn't.

Won't You Be My Neighbor.

This is my house. If you would like to bulid a house on my block, Tofu Avenue, click here and do it! Get psychoanalyzed too! I don't really know how they come about that personality test summary but whatever.