Saturday, April 23, 2005

Ram gets all wise and stuff late at night.

We choose our lives without knowing the consequences. It's what makes life worth living as well as unbearable.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Let me regale you with the nerdy story of my name 'stuffbox'. My memory is faulty but this is close to what happened. Back in the mid 90's (i think 95 or 96) when space monkeys were cool, I was a student in the 6th or 7th grade. (haha read that website I linked to, funny) I had been using computers for awhile but the internet had now grown and looked better. My family had also gotten a new computer, which was awesome for the time (pentium 75mhz baby). Anyway, my friend Nadeem and I discovered this program called mIRC, which was basically a chat program using IRC networks. IRC networks consisted of rooms called channels which contained people chatting, sharing files and whatnot. Well I had to pick a nickname to chat under of course.

We created a channel called #box. My friend picked the name 'funbox', I guess because he was fun or something and I picked 'stuffbox'. This was because back in middle school, I used to have a jacket with two breast pockets. In one of these pockets I used to keep random things I came across. Such things included a paperclip for picking locks, a rock, pack of cards, a winning free coke bottle cap, etc. Just random stuff I'd come across and could use or keep me entertained later. And there, thats about it. stuffbox was born. Over the years I have noticed that the name stuffbox is still pretty much mine although there might be a few imposters out there. Ah yes, nerdtastic.

As an aside, there are probably some relics of the #box channel floating on the internet. I know there was some sort of script made that I found a few years back. Not sure where I put it.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


If your looking for something actually interesting to read right now, skip this and go here.

I'm not quite sure why but I easily into daily routines. I guess it cuts down on the amount of time I sit around thinking about what to do but it kind of annoys me. Once I find something comfortable I'll just keep on doing it until someone stops me. Can be a bad thing, trust me. Anyway, here is my current routine for weekdays that I have class. If anyone would like to stalk me that would be super.

Wake up - 8:40 or 9:20
Shower, Finish homework if due today, if any
Class - 10:00
Home - 11:00
Sit at computer, Watch ER, Judging Amy x2 - 11:00-1:40
(possibly do homework due today in between)
Class - 2:00-4:00 or 5:00

After class varied things can happen and I'm never one to turn down an invitation to do anything. And yeah, I know, I don't really even like Judging Amy but it's on after ER and I watch whatever the TV tells me to.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


One of the best inventions I have seen in awhile is the foamy soap dispensers that now occupy many of the bathrooms at Drexel University. I always hated that pink goo that used to come out. The foam makes it easy to cover your hands and doesn't spill out like that goo stuff. I'm going to try and break one off the wall and put it in my bathroom. Hmm.. probably shouldn't share my criminal plots online.

Technology rocks.


Yeah, so the tip of my right middle finger has been numb since I woke up. Is that weird?

Funny Headline.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I suck at school right now. Damnit. I've lost all motivation related to school and I'm not sure when it will come back. I'm making much more ridiculous errors on tests too. Poor, poor GPA.

Monday, April 18, 2005


I wake up this morning from a nice dream to the sound of buzzing. Thinking it's something outside I sit up in my bed but the buzzing got louder. Right as I sat up one of those fat bumblebees flies out from my blanket right into my face and lands on my shirt, right below the neck. I think it was going for the jugular. In my daze from just waking up moments before, I'm freaking out at this point. Full fledged, arms waving, body convulsion. In the freak out I managed to swat the bee over to my window where he got stuck. It is a little confusing how the thing would have gotten in my room as all my windows are shut and the door is closed except for a small gap at the bottom of the door. Interesting way to start the day.

I ended up managing to push the bee out the window. It was sad listening to it buzz in vain against the window.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Probably not a good sign but I seem to be brainwashed by the AOL instant message sound. There's a commercial now that plays the sound and it bothers me. I automatically think someone is trying to talk to me. Funny, I usually have my speakers turned off on my computer anyway. Wait, that's not funny at all. bah.

What's the FPM rating on that?

Awesome. Too much time on their hands.