Saturday, January 15, 2005

New Ringtones.

Well, I decided to actually start making some and I got on a spree of sorts. So far I have added:

We've Been Had - The Walkmen
Whoever You Are - Geggy Tah
Dreadlock Holiday - 10CC
19-2000 - Gorillaz
5/4 - Gorillaz
Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - Zep
Bust A Move - Young MC
Drop It Like Its Hot - Snoop
Slow hands - Interpol
Istanbul - They might be giants
Jay's Rap - From movie
Misty Mountain Hop - Zep
Peanut Butter Jelly Time - Satan
Pump It Up - Joe Buden
Punk - Gorillaz
Start the Commotion - The Wiseguys
Whistle Stop - Disney Robin Hood Movie
Knight Rider Theme
Brothers gonna work it out - Chemical brothers

These songs just happened to have qualities that I thought at the time made interesting ringtones. If anyone has anymore ideas just tell me. It has to be about 25 seconds worth of awesomeness.

I feel sorry for people who have to pay for ringtones..suckers.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Food Theory.

Due to special request I will tell you my food theory. There are some nuances that I do not say here but this is the general gist of it. I might also leave important parts out that if you know of them, please correct me. Oh, as an aside, I have told this to a good amount of people and most do not agree with me at all because it is, well, crazy. Anyway, there are only 4 different types of foods. That's it. Most fall in the first two.

Different types of food/drink:
1) Salty: This includes spicy things and anything starchy as well as some vegetables.
2) Sweet: Anything sugary and includes some fruits.
3) Sour: Contains certain candy and fruits mostly.
4) Bland: Water, some vegetables, milk (kinda sweet though depending on how creamy it is)

So, things like an actual fruit or candy fruit are in the same category. There is no difference. A spicy pepper or a potato chip are the same. One category can usually balance out another although it is not really set in stone as to which balance, it is up to the person. The benefit of knowing all this is that if you are really full of some salty food or ate something that is making you feel sick, eating a little bit of sweet food like a candy bar or another category might actually make you feel better. It is also helpful in determining which foods go well together. Like category foods often can be combined or eaten together. Such as, mixing Pizza with ketchup or hot sauce. Both work because they are in the same category. Hell, even Pizza with refried beans on top wouldn't be too bad.

Try it.

Now that I think about it, it is based on the tongue and the different tastebuds.

ps. I take no responsibility for any death or dismemberment due to said "Food Theory".


So today I was the lucky recipient of a $15 gift card to the delicious Panera Bread eatery. The funny part is that, for Christmas, I was the lucky recipient of a $25 gift card to Panera courtesy of my Mom as well as the lucky repient of a $25 gift card courtesy of my Grandmother. So, I got $75 in Panera gift cards. Anyone want to go to Panera with me and engorge themselves with bread, soup or sandwiches? My treat. Just ask.

Obscure fact of the day.

Taco bell does not sell gift certificates.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Today I saw a gigantic box full of something fall out of the back of a truck while moving and almost cause a huge accident.

That is all.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Interesting that when this blog started I said it would contain random thoughts I have, although everything that seems to get posted is very...hmm superficial I guess. Maybe I will write something more thought provoking or important sometime.

Or not. I really don't know. One thing that I can determine is that I pretty much make many of my decisions spontaneously. I have few set plans, although it is good to have at least one. So, who knows what could possibly happen. I certainly don't. Keeps life interesting.

I think the period is the best form of punctuation. Exclamation points and question marks steal attention from the words.

Well, that's a thought process for you.

A Small Victory.

Yesterday at work I ordered the standard 2 soft taco supremes for lunch. I sit down only to find out they were not supreme and did not have sour cream or tomatoes. So, today I ordered 3 actual soft taco supremes but told the cahsier they were just regular.


yes, yes pathetic.. i know.


So today I listened to the standard 99.1 HFS radio station on the way to work. The morning talk show had normal stuff, nothing peculiar. After work I turn on the car and the radio station is still on HFS but Mexican music is playing. I find out when I get home that 99.1 switched formats at noon and fired everyone. I am amazed they could keep that secret from everyone. The station has been around for like 20 years and then poof without warning.

Radio is weird.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I hate change.

It's true. Not worth all the space it takes up in my wallet. Ends up getting lost or dropped/thrown anyway. I guess change doesn't have to totally be elimated, quarters can stick around. Everything should be priced in quarter intervals with tax included with most things being even dollar amounts. I would not mind paying the maximum 24 cent increase on anything. Quarters should also be smaller then, like the size of dimes or something.

Monday, January 10, 2005

I won the lottery.

I won $5 from a $1 scratch-off. They make winning more sweet by making all 5 numbers be the winning number and $1 each so each time you scratch another you are more happy. I bet it is pretty funny watching me scratch off a winning lottery ticket and get so excited over $5. Is it me or is this story very boring? Blah, where's the scotch.

Who am I kidding, I don't drink scotch.

Speaking of money, I was just saying to someone how much money gets in the way of having fun, especially for college students. So, everyone send me their money and I will dispose of it for them.

(as I reread this I realize I actually started talking about scotch..and I would drink scotch easily if someone just gave it to me so I have no clue what I was talking about above....ah, today sucks. I might have to delete this pathetic post sometime)

The days are running together.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

On a good note.

Breaking news(a friend) reports that AirHogs has landed(fallen down). It is no longer on that roof. No one is really sure where it is but an investigation will occur.

This is not funny.

Tsunami Picture, pretty graphic.

If you want to donate some money click below.
