Friday, April 29, 2005

Bad Dream.

I wake up today pissed off. I'm angry and upset I guess because of a bad dream I had. The weird thing is I don't remember anything about the dream. Stupid dreams carrying over into real life.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


The student newspaper at Drexel University is called The Triangle. There is a section in the paper consisting of a random question asked to about 5 people and their responses, next to a picture of each person.

Today I was approached by a group of people from the Triangle, looking for someone to be in the section I explained above. The group I was with ran off for whatever reason but I agreed. The question was "C is for?" I thought it was a dumb question but whatever I'd amuse them with my quick wittedness. Of course the first thing that popped in my television soaked head was "C is for cookie. It's good enough for me." So I said that and they took a probably dumb looking picture with my hair blowing all around in the wind. I was a bit disappointed in myself for not coming up with something more clever. Later, I was trying to think of what else I could have said. Here are a few I tossed around while walking away.

"C is for me." - nah
"C is for cockroach, my favorite snack." - too confusing.
"C is for the letter after A. No wait that's B." - a little corny, still all right.
"C is for the letter I cut into your forehead." - wow, way too creepy and scary.
"C is for beer. Hold up, what was the question again?" - eh, maybe.
"C is for spelling stuff that sounds like cuh. Duh." - I should have said that.

So anyway, maybe next time I'll think of something good.


I have been diligently keeping those free stickers you get from subway that go towards a free sub. I had finally completed one of the sets a few months ago and today seemed like the perfect day to use it. So I went to Subway to get my delicious veggie patty sub, free subcard in hand. Upon ordering my meal the guy happened to notice my card and asked if he could see it. I gave it to him and he promptly said that it wasn't valid, some of the stickers on there were too old and had expired. Expired, I exclaimed?? What the dillio? Well apparantly the stickers expire after an unbeknownst amount of time and the color indicates the general time period they were from. I ended up buying the sub anyway and really only lost a dollar or two since you have to buy a useless soda with the subcard to make it free.

Haha oh well.

Well I failed my second probability and statistics test today spectacularly so I'm gonna have to drop the course and take it again in the fall, with a new teacher. Just wasn't my time for that course I guess because I did try studying..kind of.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

New music.

I'm looking for some new music. If you know of any good songs, please leave a comment. I will shower you with praise and, or not. Oh, I'm pretty eclectic in my tastes so anything is good...cept maybe for country.

Video games.

I used to play these things called 'video games' but I just noticed that I havn't really played anything in quite awhile. First time, maybe ever, that I havn't had the urge to play. Hmm, maybe I do have the urge, there's just nothing out there. Weird.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Times are tough.

Seriously, in one of my easiest courses, microeconomics, I just barely made the average (a B) on the first, heavily rounded, midterm. 72 out of 100. Should be 90+, it's easy enough. I also might have to drop my statistics course because I'm doing so bad. I've never even considered dropping a course before. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm practically forcing myself 24/7 to be sane. Sucks a bit.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


When I wrote the stuffbox story below I was thinking how weird I was to keep all that stuff in my pocket back then. After thinking a little more I realized I still do that. Here are all the things currently in my inside jacket pocket seen here.

Inside the pocket is a pile of things. My foot is sexy.

First is my school schedule for reference. Not too weird..except its from a year and a half ago.

A rub on tatoo from crackerjack.

An Eagles ticket from December 19th,2004 against the cowboys. Odd, I've never been to an Eagles game. I really don't know where this came from.

A free Myachi from University of Penn's Spring Fling a few years ago. What's myachi? Joanne won this for me with her knowledge of WB television shows.

Two jokers from a deck of cards.

Two dollars. Nice.

You can't really see but this is my voter registration card from my hometown. The other side has personal info like my home address and the fact I'm an independant.

Two mardi gras bead necklaces from a King Cake. Can come in handy.

Random recipt from a beer distributer I think. There was another one from Wawa.

Homework and notes from Physics I and Calculus. At least two years old.
Lagrange multipliers, woo!

Food shopping list from almost a year ago. I got the wrong hotdogs :(

Movie ticket stubs from Matrix 2 and Life Aquatic.

"You have a potential urge and the ability for accomplishment."
I'm a weirdo.