Saturday, July 23, 2005

Books again.

I almost bought a book today. There was one called "Fraud and Education", I think was the title. It was about how much cheating goes on in our society. Something like 80% of students in the top of their class cheat to get there. Ah, so true. It was 11$ though which I could not convince myself to spend.

On another note, I found a funny picture of myself from a party I went to a year or two ago. Hmm, this might be the first picture I have posted of myself. Seems kind of creepy. Oh well, if you would like to stalk me that would be super. Women only. No fat chicks.

Pimpin is hard.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Hah toothbrush.

This is my roomates toothbrush. Funny that he didn't think anything was wrong with it. He said this wasn't even as bad as some of his previous ones. After laughing at how destroyed it was he purchased a new one.

Idea of the Day.

Just had it right now while cutting my fingernails. How annoying is it cutting your nails when the cut nail shoots out of the nail cutter in some random direction? Very annoying I say. Also annoying is how you have to cut your nails over a trashcan or something to collect the ones that do just fall straight down. The idea would just be normal nail cutters with some sort of guard on each side preventing the nail from flying around, also creating a hollow space inside the clipper. As long as you hold the clippers somewhat sideways the guard could also hold catch all your nail clippings and hold them until your done (they would fall to the back of the clipper), eliminating the need to do it directly over a trashcan.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

My Diet.

This post is more for when, in the future, I look back upon my college life and laugh. I no longer drink anything but alcohol or water. No more empty caloric soda, sugary fruit juice or anything. Just water. This super healthy diet is balanced out by the excessive amounts of beer and alcohol I consume. Seems to work fine, I like water (although I do not buy bottled water based on principle). Avoiding buying soda and fruit juice also saves some money (which probably gets used for alcohol).

Of course I drink milk every now and then when some comes my way but I'm not a huge fan of milk either; absent of cereal, that is.

Also, last night someone gave me a energy drink called "XS". It had about %5000 of my daily requirement of vitamin B-12...and thats about it. Being a vegetarian I hear I don't get enough B-12 in my diet. Considering I have been a vegetarian for my entire life and not really once concerned myself with obtaining B-12, I seem pretty healthy. But whatever, I decided to make up for some possible deficiency with a heaping dose of health. Although I knew from a nutrition class I took that there is only a certain amount of a nutrient the body can absorb before throwing the rest away and an overdose of a nutrient can actually inhibit the absorption of said nutrient, I drank it. About 20 minutes later I felt a bit odd, jittery and hyper. I was also very hungry. Crazy medical science and their potions.


Last night at bar trivia my team "Macgyver" almost won a prize. 45 points. One point away from winning something. We came in 4th place (First place had 48 I think). Disappointing. Quite a lot of teams too. Someday...

On the way back we saw a bike cop holding a 14 year old kid by the shirt and 3 bikes piled on top of eachother on the side of the street. Two cop cars pulled up and cops got out. As we walked by the kid we heard him explaining to the cop, "I just saw the bike laying there so I thought no one wanted it". Haha, lame.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Phone Messages.

While I was thinking about werid shit I do or notice (see below) I remembered that I had a somewhat large piece of a group project due tomorrow. I contacted a few group members but one of the members was not around and all I got was an answering machine. I instinctively hung up the phone.

With the thought of the weird shit I do fresh in my mind I reflected upon how I hate to leave voice messages, even though it would probably be helpful instead of calling back multiple times. I have told people before that I do not leave voicemail and most of them find it odd. It is kind of odd. It is almost hypocritical since I love it when I am in class unable to take phonecalls and the person who called leaves a message. I have nothing really against leaving voicemail, especially when absolutely necessary. I just don't usually pay much attention once I realize someone isn't there so my voicemail messages always end up sounding dumb and ridiculous...

Machine: Leave a message, bitch. BEEP.
Me: Umm, right...yeah I am going to eat that...stop it..I just I don't hate mexicans..oh crap i think it beeped.
(clearing throat)
Me: hey there , this is Ram. ummmm yeah so were going to go meet in that place at around 6. Ram..from that class we are in..have that group thing to do....mumble. So, give me a call about that thing and we can discuss it or something...oh yeah the place were meeting is the library, ok see ya.

Anyway, back to real life. After hanging up I on the answering machine I decided what the hell and called back, left a voicemail. It actually was fine. I think most machines let you re-record messages if you don't like how the first one turned out?

Now that I think more about it. I don't particuarly like talking on the telephone in general because I usually run out of things to say pretty fast and do not actively think of new things to say. Ending the conversation is also difficult for me. I also have a weird habbit of walking around or back and forth while talking on the telephone which some people have made fun of me for. Not sure what that is about, I just do it.

I bet from reading through this entire blog some psychologist could accurately get a good understanding of me and all my peculiarities. Oh, this is not an invitation.

So Trivial.

Today during a class I was filling out one of those dumb scantron multiple choice sheets and I accidently filled two bubbles in the same row (you can tell how much I cared). I noticed the mistake so I erased one of them. What was interesting to me was how much I erased the pencil mark. Usually when erasing something you can tell it's been erased, a little smudge of graphite or whatever. The simply normal (not hard or anything) erasing I did completely wiped all traces a mark had ever existed there. It suprised me enough that I noticed (again, you can tell how much I cared for what I was doing at the time).

My life can be boring sometimes but luckily I can still entertain myself on the frivolous.

Harry Potter.

Reading is awesome because it takes awhile. I finished the book though. Very good book, sad ending although I had guessed as much. Now I just really want to read the next book. I hate that.

Oh well, no more reading for a year or two. Too bad. Although I might try some of the books recommended to me sometime.

It's an awesome book. Surpsingly, unlike most movies, never a let down with this series. F you harry potter nay sayers...sitting in your towers...cockasses.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Public Speaking.

Today I did a presentation on "Fun things to do in a microwave". Much of it taken from this website. It was a pain lugging that microwave to class. I actually made the grape plasma though....and smoke...which is was why I wanted to go last.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Diet Pepsi contains 0 caleries and is advertised to "taste like normal pepsi". Pepsi One has 1 calerie and is advertisted to "taste like normal pepsi". Enough said.