Friday, December 23, 2005

Future Music.

Wow. Looks like some of my friends got bored and decided to make a short film..and put it on the internet. Turned out pretty hillarious. Watch it here. So now that makes two people who have licked my guitar.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Been Awhile.

Happy Holidays. I have been cheating on this blog with another I write on,, if you want to hear some rants about elevators and Jerry Springer. The term is over now and I have a longer that normal winter break. Around 3 weeks. I have no idea what I will do over that time but whatever.

In other news I have decided against buying a mp3 player. Instead I will transform my cellphone into an mp3 player. I have a nokia 6620 which uses MMC flash memory and the innate ability to play mp3. To transform the phone I bought a stereo hands-free headset thinger, a 2gb MMC card, and a USB flashdrive to load the MMC cards faster (bluetooth works but is really slow for big files). In all, not only is it cheaper (2gb for about $145) but I would be carrying around my cellphone all the time anyway so the size of the new mp3 player is technically nothing. As a bonus, I get a USB flashdrive to use with the other memory cards I have. Eventually when I get a new phone, the 2gb memory card will simply be a fulltime USB flashdrive so nothing will be wasted. Oh, the Adata 2gb MMC card does in fact work on Nokia 6620 phones, a fact that is not really on the internet.

A-Data 2gb MMC ($120)
Crucial SD/MMC Card Reader ($10)
Nokia HDS3 Stereo Headset ($4)