Thursday, June 02, 2005


So another term is almost over, and another almost beginning. Have I gained any knowledge? Perhaps, but when will I learn?

(thats deep)

Monday, May 30, 2005

Idea of the day.

I forgot I was going to try to do these every day. Anyway, first of all I do not do drugs. I do drink alcohol but no drugs. I would be a terrible drug addict anyway, I can't swallow pills and am embarrasingly afraid of needles. I guess I could smoke things but I don't smoke and it doesn't seem too interesting to me anyway. That being said, I have nothing against people who do drugs. As long as it is not something life threatening, I don't think it's stupid or dumb, not really my business.

So, the idea. Well yesterday while I was eating at a diner I had an idea. The previous night I was with some people that I did not know and they were looking to smoke a bowl. They did not smoke enough to know how much to buy or what a good price was. Wait a sec.. let me see if my idea already exists...nope I don't think so. My idea would be a centralized website that would contain the current street price of drugs and references for the amount needed for specific cases. (ex. If someone was with 3 people how much would they need for one joint or bowl and what should they pay) Yeah, I'm not even sure if it is legal, probably would be pretty controversial, but eh. Probably be helpful to many a sheltered college student. Someone do it.

Lazy evaluation.

Often times I refuse to think. As odd as that sounds its true. Many times I use what has now been coined by me as "Shallow brain activity". When confronted with a problem I often know that if I were to actually think hard (or use deep brain activity i guess) I could figure out the correct answer. For some reason, I find that thinking hard is annoying so instead I use as little thought as possible combined with some intuition. It actually works pretty well for me and comes up with a quick solution. The quick solution sometimes works and sometimes does not. When the solution works it can save a lot of time and the tiring aspects of thinking hard. Of course, when I am wrong it could actually extend the amount of time needed to solve a problem. After a few quick solutions have been tried and failed, that time could have been spent actually thinking hard and finding the answer the first time. Another problem is that it is sometimes pretty hard to adequetly explain your solution to other people. You just kind of feel it and don't really know exactly why it would work.

Overall, I am not sure if this use of shallow brain activity is good or not but I do know that thinking hard isn't fun. Coming up with quick answers is more fun and can sometimes even allow you to impress yourself if you solve the problem right away. I would give examples of some shallow brain activity but I don't really feel like thinking hard right now. Ba-dum ching! But really, not wanting to give examples isn't shallow brain activity, that's just lazyness.