Friday, May 06, 2005

Idea of the day.

So here is one of my software invention that I want someone to make that I shall share. I would do it myself but it doesn't seem like the type of idea that would make a lot of money contrary to how cool it is. Plus I dont feel like it.

OK, so I'm listening to my music and I get annoyed when I want to listen to certain songs or types of songs and something completely random comes up. The organization of music into genres can take forever (especially in my case) AND since there are only like 10 genres of music, there is still a good chance you will get a random song that doesn't fit what you want to listen to within the genre.

My idea:

A inference type based audio program or, ideally, a winamp plugin where it would know what bands/songs are related, which would be determined by the internet or an established list or somethin. Google has a tool that could be utilized to help. While still kind of buggy and not really meant for picking out bands it could probably work (at least better than complete randomness). It's called Google Sets. So go there and type in "Led Zeppelin" by itself or with "The Who" and you will get a decent list of other similar bands. The results of that search could then be searched against your own music to see if you have any songs from those bands. BAM.

GO! Make it happen.


I seem to be mispelling some words dyslexic style lately. I catch it after I write the word but its still weird because I'm not dyslexic. Some words include:

"namy" - many
"protif" - profit
"jounral" - journal

Wow, that sure must have made your day. If you'd like you can try to forget what you just read and only focus on the next sentance and make up your own backstory.

"Then I got hit by a small meteor."

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

One of the more hillarious things ever.

Vin Diesel Facts

So good.


Everybody Loves Raymond. Except Vin Diesel; he fuckin hates that guy.

Vin Diesel is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.

Vin Diesel is an important part of the "carbon cycle"

And Vin Diesel so loved the world, that he gave it his only son: Superman.

Vin Diesel routinely sends nail bombs to the head of the Food and Drug Administration. No one is sure why.

Vin Diesel's skin is two hundred million times more heat resistant than a space shuttle's heat plates. He demonstrated this by jumping into a volcano. He emerged through an eruption six months later with the corpse of six dead Balrogs slain by hand.

Every night, Vin Diesel does 700 push ups and punches himself in the face until he passes out.

Check it out, many many more.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Hey, 2000.

I just noticed that the counter down at the bottom has reached 2000 folks since I began a few months ago. Hizzah fools.

Lost toys.

After pretty much going through the entire internet all I could find was the name of said toys and a small blurb about them. Here..GORGUTS!

It was quite a search. I'm pretty disappointed in the internet. Still looking for pictures if someone can find them.

I have been scouring the internet for a specific set if toys I owned as a child. Why, you might ask? I don't know, I will respond. It's always odd when the internet doesn't seem to know something. You'd think out of the millions upon millions of people putting information on there about anything and everything, someone would have talked about the toys I was looking for or at least sold them on ebay.

They were baseball sized plastic toys that looked like rock formations but were actually monsters of some sort. They came with a tiny little person you could place on a specific spot in the rock formation. When you pressed a certain lever or button on the rock formation an arm or mouth would open up and grab or eat the little person. I got a bunch (about 10) of them, each with a different name, from KB Toys when I was a kid. They each came separatly in squarish boxes. If anyone knows what the hell they were called pleease tell me. They were not transformers or anything that transformed.

Here is a post by some guy who seems to have been looking for the same thing. At least one of the toys he was talking about seems like what I'm looking for.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

World's most inane comment.

Last night around 2am I was out in Old City with some people looking for a taxi to take us home. While trying to flag down a cab, a stretch SUV limo pulls up right near us and a group of around 14 drunk late 20ish guys who were nearby start getting in. I'm eating a slice of pizza at the moment and jokingly say the world's most inane comment.

"Hey (referring to my friends), I'm just gonna go with these guys."

Then all of a sudden I hear, "If you get into this car, I'm going to shove that pizza up your ass!" I look and see it's one of the dudes getting into the SUV. I respond with an obvious "What?" At this time, some of the dudes friends, who just know that yelling occured, try to join in. I just turn around not wanting to get me and my three friends beat up by 14 guys. After they all get into the car one of the guys opens the door and with a weird grin on his face starts giving us the middle finger. I wave them farewell and finish my pizza. It's just funny that I didn't even say something even remotely insulting. I could understand if I had said something somewhat insulting like "I'll just go with this group of gay men."

I did work out a quick mental plan that if the guy did come over and start something I would quickly kick him in the balls and elbow him in the face. At which point I would run with my friends towards the cops nearby before the 13 other guys came at us.

The three second window.

The three second window is what I now call the time when you walk by someone and are, for those three seconds, listening to their conversation.

Today's three second window occured while I was walking back to my house and I passed a girl casually talking to a guy. This is all that I heard:

"...I thought my mom was dead, all I saw was blood and she was just lying there, not moving..."