Saturday, February 05, 2005
For the past few days my left index finger has been hurting. I thought It was because I pulled the nail back a bit while trying to open a drink but now I'm not sure what it was. Today I looked at the nail and the top left part of the nail, which was the part that hurt, was greenish in color. First thought was, "well that's not right", so I got some nail clippers and cut the nail as far as it could go. As I finished cutting the nail a small bit of greenish substance started oozing out of the nail. I proceeded to wash the finger, and now the nail doesn't really hurt much at all and its not green anymore. Oh well, gross.
Uhh hey.
I hate listening to the radio and then all of a sudden realize I have been listening to a really crappy song, or commericals, for the past 3 minutes. For some reason those crappy songs just slide in there without me noticing.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
I'm pretty bad at it. I don't usually curse at all and when I do it sounds weird and awkward. I guess its lack of practice. I have nothing against cursing, I just find it interesting that I rarely do it and that you can actually be bad at it.
Fuck you bitches.
Fuck you bitches.
T-mobile Lies.
Those bastards at T-Mobile definitely lied to me. It's pretty much impossible to switch your number from two different accounts on the same provider. It would be simple if I was coming from another provider like Cingular. Does that make sense? Nope. So what to do? Should I just ditch my old number and go through the horrbile proccess of telling people your new number? Or should I cancel everything and just get a different not as cool phone, keeping my same number????? Well!??
If I could just find another good deal for a phone I want at another provider that would be fine because I can switch my number that way. Luckily there is a 14 day trial period at T-Mobile so I can get out of my contract if it comes to that. Phew. It would be fun telling Tmobile I would love to give them my money if they would just change my number but unfortunatly they forced me to give my money to another provider AND oh I get still get my number.
If I could just find another good deal for a phone I want at another provider that would be fine because I can switch my number that way. Luckily there is a 14 day trial period at T-Mobile so I can get out of my contract if it comes to that. Phew. It would be fun telling Tmobile I would love to give them my money if they would just change my number but unfortunatly they forced me to give my money to another provider AND oh I get still get my number.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Another day.
I, probably like everyone else in the world, find it a cruel joke that good times go by seemingly faster than normal while bad times seem to linger. At least make them equal. Comon universe, step it up.
Oh, I did the Coke trick below (of course I did) and it definately works although it's really just a novelty until you find some lazy Coke machine operator that leaves the important stuff unlocked. Those things make more money than you would think.
Oh, I did the Coke trick below (of course I did) and it definately works although it's really just a novelty until you find some lazy Coke machine operator that leaves the important stuff unlocked. Those things make more money than you would think.
As you can see by that small self portrait of myself I drew many years ago that I went digging through my computer and found hundreds of pictures I had forgotten about, mostly photographs. I can't draw well at all so I was just impressed that it looked somewhat like a person.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005
New Phone.
O.K. I ordered my new phone and I have been assigned a new temporary phone number which is going to be switched out so I can use my old number because its always a pain when you switch numbers; everyone having to relearn or program it into their phones. The soon to be disposed of phone number has a pretty good ring to it though, 215-500-2656.
Without a cell phone it's somewhat comforting knowing that no one can call you or get in touch with you whenever they feel like it. It is weird that only 10 years ago almost no one had a cell phone.
Without a cell phone it's somewhat comforting knowing that no one can call you or get in touch with you whenever they feel like it. It is weird that only 10 years ago almost no one had a cell phone.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Hah, suckers. Click here.
I bet they don't use smoke detectors because smoke detectors have the radioactive element americium in them and they are bitter. Hmm, is that a joke?
I bet they don't use smoke detectors because smoke detectors have the radioactive element americium in them and they are bitter. Hmm, is that a joke?
Spring Break!
Ok, who is down? Anyone have any good deals, cheap if possible since there are always money concerns for poor college students. Current proposed ideas include a yet unspecified cruise or another trip to south beach.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Blair Witch.
I watched it again. The one thing that I wondered about was when they lost the map, couldn't they have just watched some of the film they took already of the map itself and paused the scene? Don't most video cameras do that?
As a side note, it was determined a few years ago by myself and some friends that the scariest thing imaginable would be either:
a) dead babies crawling out of gutters
b) being alone and looking into thick woods on a really dark night and seeing in the far distance a human sized pillsbury dough boy, by itself, smiling blankly and slowly waving at you.
c) same as b except with santa clause
As a side note, it was determined a few years ago by myself and some friends that the scariest thing imaginable would be either:
a) dead babies crawling out of gutters
b) being alone and looking into thick woods on a really dark night and seeing in the far distance a human sized pillsbury dough boy, by itself, smiling blankly and slowly waving at you.
c) same as b except with santa clause