A few years later...

I was perusing the internet just now and found myself here again. Seems like I haven't been here for 3 years. Damn. I have been wandering around on the other side of the internet for awhile now. Well, just as I mentioned 3 years ago, this blog is totally useful. I totally forget most of my life. I just read entries like they are the life of someone else and get a kick every time out of knowing it was me. Kind of strange, really. Like that milk thing a few posts down... I barely remember what I was talking about except that I vaguely recall it was hilarious. It probably would have been lost forever otherwise. And apparently I won a $12 scratch off? Awesome. Yes, I get amazed by the same simple things over and over again. Kind of like Memento.
So lets see, whats happening. Well, been working for the man for awhile now. Girlfriend Erica now exists (and has for awhile..hi Erica!). Got a 2006 nissan altima & dnx9140 after my car died in the middle of the road. So many things have happened though too much to write, traveled over the world.
I will now leave cryptic notes for myself so skip this paragraph if you must. If you have any questions about the following, do not bother asking, except in person. (remember crazy sea creatures and dog/cat/rat man in San Francisco, Vegas 2x horse races & proton pack at defcon, remember St. Louis sucks but has a nice brewery & large horses, remember in Key West you para-sailed, remember Vancouver had a cool cansecwest conference, Buffalo a few times, Tampa for a month, remember the sets for Lost in Hawaii, Boston, remember Abba & Black flags in Bahrain (Manama), chocolate & waffles & red light in Belgium (Brussels), louvrian desert & shady "bushes" & bridge gatherings in Paris, brothels in Frankfurt (nothing dirty), kangaroos in Australia (Canberra) , castles & using a women's bathroom in Heidelberg).
Formed a few companies on the side (4207 Software with my pal Chris, Potatofish with my pal Alex). Released an iPhone app so far with Potatofish (Am I Safe?). Worked on the in limbo River Rendering System (and River Lite) for 4207 Software (which actually really helped out Chris, so I consider that a success) and the in limbo MealCal for Potatofish (which was just fun doing). Also doing some new extremely interesting things that I won't mention here (one involving healthcare, one involving parking lots, one involving sweepstakes and one involving product reviews). Who knows how these will turn out but its always fun trying.
And, no past self, I never did find that golden penny...what about you future self, did you check your old wallet?