Friday, November 04, 2005

Music tastes.

(11:14:44) me:
(11:15:19) susan: cool
(11:15:38) me: its kind of cool seeing what i play and the people that have similar music tastes as you can actually listen to the songs as a streaming radio type thing
(11:16:11) susan: cool
(11:17:34) me: the problem with the program is
(11:17:46) me: < > start blog < >
(11:18:18) me: i have a really eclectic assortment of music, including a lot of songs i really dont like too much
(11:18:41) me: and i leave my computer on shuffle a lot
(11:19:22) me: so theres a good chance a lot of weird j lo or similar songs might start getting on that list
(11:19:38) susan: hahaha
(11:19:42) susan: you love j lo
(11:19:44) me: and people will wonder, "why is ram listening to the pussycat dolls 40 times"
(11:20:29) me: and of course i will explain to them that i love the pussycat dolls but those other songs are all just a mistake
(11:20:52) susan: well will people really care?
(11:21:07) susan: i mean people would wonder why i've repeated "we used to be friends" like 100 times
(11:21:12) me: thats a good song
(11:21:16) susan: yes but
(11:21:17) susan: in a row
(11:21:19) susan: over and over
(11:21:37) me: which is cool
(11:21:47) susan: with maria taylor's song beneath the song
(11:21:53) me: well it messes up who my neighbors are
(11:21:54) susan: in between
(11:22:03) me: so if i want to listen to similar songs it screws that up
(11:22:46) susan: oh i see
(11:23:25) me: also if anyone is interested in looking at my music tastes for whatever reason id like it to be reasonably accurate
(11:23:45) me: just so i dont have to explain myself all the time
(11:24:05) susan: huh
(11:24:17) susan: you take your music rep very seriously
(11:24:17) me: < > end blog < >
(11:24:19) susan: hahaha
(11:24:37) susan: comment: hi ram. love your blog. why do you listen to j lo so much?
(11:24:50) me: see, its going to be stored on the internet forever
(11:25:05) me: when the people of the future look back upon their great leader
(11:25:16) me: i dont want them seeing nsync
(11:25:21) me: as one of my favorite bands
(11:26:33) me: < > ok, real end blog < >

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Dear Septa,

Screw you.


Monday, October 31, 2005

Passed Out People.

I was looking through the recent pictures on my phone, which, on a side note, I have weirdly not been using as much for pictures, and I noticed that I have a good amount (3) sets of pictures of people just totally passed out. Having pictures of alcohol induced passed out people by itself is not weird but out of only about the last 70 pictures, three separate sets of pictures is more than usual. I will share a few with the internet now. I also just noticed that the pictures are from three consecutive weekends.


I appologize to the reader(s?) of this blog for not updating too much. I was actually scolded at Millersville for not updating. OK, so here are some updates, at least for the past weekend.

Went to a large corn maze near Millersville on Friday with a bunch of people. Froze my ass off but it was fun. Also, weirdly dislocated my jaw or something eating some frozen skittles in said corn maze. Hurt for a day and a half.

For that night and the rest of Halloween I was one of my heroes, Harry Potter. I thought, "Hey, I am always Harry Potter on the inside but this was my chance to be him on the outside too."
Nerdgardium Leviosa !

Harry Potter grabs boobs.

Did a party on Saturday and on the way home from somewhere in the city, Cleary also danced for a gay cabbie while in shotgun. Pretty funny.