Thursday, June 09, 2005

Flip of a coin.

It amazes me how much impact a simple flip of a coin can have. I'm sure your life would be completely different if not for you or someone you might or might not even know flipping a coin. Some may flip a coin because they are scared to make the decision themselves, others may flip just for the fun idea that a hunk of metal can be imbued with decision making capabilities.

I know I used the coin method to decide which college to go to. Heads was Drexel University, tails was Penn State Main Campus. I actually don't remember which was which but for the sake of story I'll decide something. There was also an underlying decision made by that flipping that I shall not get into. The point is heads landed and Drexel I went. My life would sure be different right now if tails had landed. I'm also confident many people's lives would be quite affected had the coin decided differently.

Looking back, I'm not sure if the coin was correct but at least I'm not dead or on a reality tv show.


Update: Yep, I was prepared for the Artificial Intelligence final with no studying.

I am absolutly terrible at studying. I never know how prepared I am on a topic until I am taking the test. When trying to study something I somehow always convince myself I already know it and basically skip over whatever im studying. When looking at notes I took (a new thing I'm trying), all that goes through my head is, "I remember distinctly writing this down so that means I know it already".

Sad (or happy) thing about this is that most times I actually do know enough and do fine on the tests. I miscalculate sometimes. Most of these study miscalculations come with math related things that involve precise techniques where every step must be followed exactly otherwise your answer will be a little off (during the test my answers seem correct to me although they are actually wrong).

Example. Right now I didn't really study anything for my upcoming final in Artifical Intelligence. I have for some reason convinced myself that I know enough for this test. I looked at the old exams and sample problems and think I could do them fine. Well, I will see for sure tomorrow when I look at the actual problems.

Carnivale has been cancelled.

Sucks. They could have ended it right, now it's over and left uncompleted.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I don't think I've ever heard someone mention the fact that "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing.

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Went to my friend Rick's graduation party this weekend. A fun drunken time that was. Juan caused a scene and provided the customary "incident" that usually accompanies such parties. Good job Juan. Also at the party, during the day when little kids and Rick's family were around, I was that guy who loudly drunkenly cursed in front of everyone for basically no reason. I was talking to my friend Eric about an idea of putting gyroscopes on normal consumer family handheld cameras to steady the shot (the Glidecam seems to be similar, although it is for professional film makers). Anyway, after the conversation was pretty much over I loudly blurted out something like "Fucking gyroscopes!" Not sure if the little kids or family heard but it was pretty loud. Never really been "that" guy before.

Funny, I actually did it again a few minutes later.